Karate Grades

This page shows the basic karate belt progression and the katas (forms) you'll learn along the way. Remember, it can vary by style!

Belt Progression

Karate progress is marked by belts (kyu for lower grades, dan for black belts) and mastering specific katas (forms). Here's a taste of the journey:

Beginners (10th-8th Kyu)

  • Focus on building a strong foundation.
  • Learn basic stances, blocks, punches, and kicks.
  • Kata: Kihon Kata (Basic Form)

Intermediate (7th-4th Kyu)

  • Refine basic techniques with increased power and speed.
  • Learn more complex movements and combinations.
  • Katas: Heian Shodan (Peaceful Mind 1) through Godan (Peaceful Mind 5)

Advanced (3rd-1st Kyu)

  • Challenge yourself with advanced techniques and self-defense applications.
  • Increase focus on power, balance, and coordination.
  • Katas: Jion (Love and Goodness), Kanku Dai (To Look at the Sky)

Black Belt (Shodan and Up)

  • Continue refining techniques and exploring deeper concepts of karate.
  • Learn advanced katas with greater complexity and historical significance.
  • The journey continues beyond Shodan (1st degree black belt) with many more katas to master.

10th Kyu - White Belt

Kihon Kata

Basic Form

9th Kyu - Orange Belt

Heian Shodan

Peaceful Mind One

8th Kyu - Red Belt

Heian Nidan

Peaceful Mind Two

7th Kyu - Yellow Belt

Heian Sandan

Peaceful Mind Three

6th Kyu - Green Belt

Heian Yondan

Peaceful Mind Four

5th Kyu - Purple Belt

Heian Godan

Peaceful Mind Five

4th Kyu - Purple Belt/White Stripe

Tekki Shodan

Iron Horse One

3rd Kyu - Brown Belt

Bassai Dai

To Storm a Fortress

2nd Kyu - Brown Belt/White Stripe


Love and Goodness

1st Kyu - Brown Belt/2 White Stripes

Kanku Dai

To Look at the Sky

Shodan - Black Belt


Flying Swallow